Choose an Institution

To get started, choose an educational institution that can offer you a specialty of interest. However, for students from some countries, to enter a college or institute, you will need to complete one or two courses at your university. Given the slight unevenness in the time of graduation from high school in different countries, this will allow you to get a level of training that meets the requirements of the educational institution. And there it will be useful to pay to write an essay to make the preparations easier. Alternatively, you can go through Foundation or A-Level. For admission to the master’s program, be sure to provide the results of the IELTS and GMAT exam tests, as well as the recommendations of the teachers.

Submit Documents Correctly

You can find samples of filling documentation on special sites. The deadlines for submitting documents depend on the characteristics of the institution you have chosen. It is best to know about them in advance. Keep in mind that deadlines are followed very strictly and delay can deprive you of a vacant place in a dream university! The next step is to review your application. Closely monitor the progress of consideration of your candidacy. A timely reaction will be especially important if the application for admission is rejected or you change your mind to enter the institution of higher education, where you previously submitted the document.

Getting Ready for Studying

After the announcement of the result, you can safely begin preparation. For example, you should buy tickets, solve housing and financial issues, etc. And at the same time, find out whether you can count on this or that help in the process of studying abroad. Particular attention should be paid to obtaining a student visa. Issuance takes place at the UK Visa Application Center. There is a check of all necessary documents and, if necessary, an interview is scheduled. Additionally, you have to bring a certificate of parental income to prove solvency. A student visa gives applicants to UK universities the right to work, but no more than 20 hours a week.

High School Certificate

Whatever program you choose, in any case, you need to provide a certificate of high school graduation. When applying for a university in the UK, any foreign student must provide a document that will meet British certificates for the so-called A-levels. This is an exam that the British themselves take in high school for admission to the university. Most European certificates are in line with British education standards. For other countries, it is needed to pass the A-levels exam or take the University Foundation course to apply for admission to a British university. Also, there are other alternatives. Let’s see how these options differ from each other.


As mentioned above, students who want to get a higher education, pass this exam at the end of 12 years of study. If you decide to take the A-levels, you will also have to prepare for the exams for two years. In the first year, you will study four subjects, and at the end of each school year, you will pass exams. Some universities offer intensive courses lasting one year or 18 months, which are intended for foreign students who have received a good secondary education in their homeland.

University Foundation Programs

This study program lasts a little less than a year. And the results of these studies show if you can enter a British university. During the course, you will study subjects related to the chosen specialty, write a term paper and pass exams.

International Baccalaureate Program

The third option is the International Baccalaureate (IB) undergraduate program, which corresponds to the level of British A-levels. So far, not so many schools are certificated for this program. The program lasts two years, and during this time students study a whole complex of subjects. And in the end, they pass exams. The undoubted advantage of this option is that it allows you to prepare for admission to a British university without leaving your home country. However, this program cannot be called a budget option.

Studying at Your University

Some British universities enroll students with incomplete higher education received at a national university. Please note that during these several years of study you must show an exceptional academic success. In addition, find out in advance if they accept this type of high school diploma.

How to Get into a UK University as an International Student - 8