Pete Lau took to Twitter to hint its users about an upcoming Always on Display feature. The tweet was not too hard to decipher, especially by the fans. Take a look at what he said: This clearly hints at an all-new Always On Display feature integration with the existing OnePlus devices. Android 11 is around the corner, and it won’t take much longer to hit OnePlus devices. With a clean and highly feature-loaded OxygenOS, we will see a more revamped Always On Display which earlier used to be just a mere clock interface. Huawei is already in the game with their advanced AODs, but OnePlus isn’t too far either. Going by the tweet, it looks like only the devices that are eligible for the Android 11 update will get this feature, most probably with the OxygenOS 11. All devices except the OnePlus 5 series are eligible for the big Android 11 update. But it’s up to OnePlus. They have always been on the top when it comes to Android updates. The chances of the OnePlus 5 series getting this feature is very bleak as it has already been 3 years since the series was launched. OnePlus only provides updates for 3 years, and by the time Android 11 finally starts hitting, it will be too late for the OnePlus 5 series. Tell us what you think about OnePlus’ Android 11 Plans and the new features in the pipeline.


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