Legion adds a clean twist to recent Watch Dogs games: for all of you to enlist to your fight; any NPC character is a possible protagonist. Each comes with its own characteristics and abilities, which you can use before jumping into some other person of your budding party of rebellion. Hacking group grandmas and nanobee regulators, and rugby fanatics all around the town are available who may be open to the cause of DedSec. More or less, everything you need to know about the story, setting, and participants of Watch Dogs Legion is in the article below. Also, check for all cheap steam download offers for the game and play cd keys by comparing all the game deals available on the web.

Release Date

Watch Dogs Legion will be launched internationally on October 29, 2021. The game was initially planned for a launch in Fall 2019 but was moved back to March 2021 and thereafter postponed indefinitely.  

Watch Dogs: Legion – Story

Real-life London is already famous for the extensive use of technologies for monitoring. The whole new stage of technology dystopia is Watch Dogs Legion’s post-Brexit London. Drones, some of whom are essentially flying police, armed with guns and searching for delinquents at all times, are now highly incorporated into the community. Throughout the area, a recent private security company, Albion, has received support. Blume, after the last 2 games, the evil software mega business, still seems to be controlling everything from the dark without anyone knowing for sure that it’s him. It turned out that even though Brexit could have influenced some of the plot or choices Ubisoft took about the game until Brexit was something we could care about, the selection of area was made. Everything was still a bit grim before Brexit. Apparently, monitoring seems to have been an issue since.

You Can Recruit and Play as Any NPC

That is a key point, but it is still an exciting game, and we think that people will enjoy Watch Dogs Legion. In this game, there really is no real protagonist. Depending on the DedSec participant who you are actually playing in, cutscenes, plot beats, and conversation will all adjust. There are a variety of different characteristics for each character that influence their playstyle including the Non-Playable Characters. Inspecting a randomly selected citizen may prove that they are better at non-lethal takedowns or hacking drones because of their experience. However, they’re not just awesome hackers; others are just ordinary people eager to support the cause. Don’t worry, while there are typical ruthless killers. “There are more typically thrilling choices if a group of drivers, attorneys, and blue-collar staff doesn’t seem like a competitive, ass-kicking elite group to you. One person in my group is a hitman who has already been arrested for multiple murders (not to mention much about the executions I made him execute during my play session). You could also hire a government spy who may have some special agent gadgets and drives a vehicle that launches warheads. To locate and hire, there have been brawlers and murderers and robbers. You may also recruit troops from the enemy’s units.” Their background shapes the details of an individual. E.g., anyone who’s been wounded in the old days by Albion soldiers may have a damage buff against them. While using the in-game 3D printer to produce new firearms, anyone who makes 3D printing art fake documents gets a good deal. Some are a bit wackier, like one we had in a recent demo, that is “addicted to adrenaline.” He’s doing 100% additional harm but “could die unexpectedly.” While you can’t just press a button and hire them instantly, you must turn them to your team, persuade them that DedSec is worth putting their lives at risk for. To help out a prospective new participant with the side-quest of preference, you can do so by selection tasks.

Three Classes for Dedsec Agents

You will appoint the people you selected to one of three groups of the DedSec: Enforcer, Infiltrator, and Hacker. They can all execute the same fundamental fighting and stealth, but physical abilities can influence their fighting skill, as we’ve seen resident grandmas. As to what distinguishes each class, it often comes down to additional advantages:


The battle-focused faction is enforcers who can empower their weapons with explosive rounds and plant sticky mines.


Infiltrators are indeed the stealthy, gloves-on kind. They dominate overall sneakiness, get more choices for melee, and end up coming with a particularly useful skill. They will activate an “AR cloak” that, for a limited period, effectively makes you transparent to guards. By tuning into the neural implants that all London people have, Ubisoft demonstrates this piece of sorcery. You’re hacking citizen’s eyes, and it’s pretty creepy just to think about it.


Hackers are sneaky as well; they tend to let drones do their stalking for them. This includes access to a spider drone, which blends the drones of Watch Dogs 2’s low profile with something like a mounted turret that allows it to strike back. It can also have melee takedowns executions.  In certain cases, the three divisions split up the skills that Aiden and Marcus used to get all of their own through past Watch Dogs games. This will certainly give each member of DedSec more of a distinctive personality and inspire players to pursue new play types.


At the very end, we would like to mention the price. The Watch Dogs Legion currently starts from $51 on Cdkeybay against $59.99 in the pre-purchase on Uplay, which seems to be a bit too much. The website CdKeyBay is a perfect way to find a cheap cd key for games.